Year of the OX

Ranking order               : Second      
Hours ruled by the          : 1 am - 3 am  
Direction of its sign       : North-Northeast
Season and principal month  : Winter-January
Corresponds to Western sign : Capricorn
Fixed Element               : Water
Stem                        : Negative

Year: 1901, 1913, 1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021
Greatest Affinity : Rooster, Snake
Greatest Enmity : Sheep
		Mine is the stabilizing force
                That perpetuates the cycles of life
		I stand immobile against the
                Test of adversity.
                Resolute and unimpeachable.
                I seek to serve integrity,
                To bear the burdens of righteousness.
                I abide by the laws of nature-
  		Patiently pushing the wheel of Fate.
	        Thus, I shall weave my destiny.

		I am the Ox.

The Ox or the Buffalo sign symbolizes prosperity through fortitude and hard work. A person born during this year will be dependable, calm and methodical. A patient and tireless worker, he sticks to routine and conventions. Although he is generally fair-minded and a good listener, it is difficult to make him change his views as he is stubborn and often has strong prejudices.

Still, because of his steady and trustworthy character, the Ox person will be entrusted with positions of authority and responsibility. He will not fall short where duty calls. As a matter of fact, he should be careful not to get carried away.

Famous people born in the year of the Ox
Walt Disney Emperor Hirohito Eisaku Sato Richard Nixon
Gerald Ford Archbishop Makarios Willy Brandt Vincent Van Gogh
Carlo Ponti Gore Vidal Sammy Davis, Jr. Peter Sellers
Richard Burton Margaret Thatcher Melina Mercouri Robert Redford
Vanessa Redgrave Dustin Hoffman Boris Spassky Adolf Hitler
Nehru Charlie Chaplin

Compiled by Twilight Zone - Carlos Legaspi
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