The File Bank BBS!

The File Bank BBS! User Levels

The first is New User, which is someone who has just logged on for the first or has yet to use the on-line Call Back Verifier. Users with this security level have NO access to anything except the on-line Verifier, Leaving a [C] omment to the SysOp, reading the Newsletter or checking through the Bulletins with a Daily Time Limit of 30 Minutes. If you have not been verified with in 30 days of completing the New User Questionaire your records will be DELETED!

The Second is Regular User, which is someone who has been validated by the on-line Verifier. This security level allows you the following privilages:

  • Access to all File Areas.
  • Access to all Message Areas.
  • Access to all Doors.
  • Log on time of 120 Minutes with a daily time limit of 480 minutes.
  • NO File Ratio, with a daily limit of 100 files or 1000000 Kb, or which ever comes first.

The Third is Fidonet User, which is someone who has requested write access to the various Fidonet echos. This security level allows you the same privilages as above but with write access to Fidonet echos.

The Fourth is Visiting Sysop, which is someone who has confirmed they are a Sysop. This security level allows you the same privilages as above but with write access to all Fidonet echos.

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